在臭名昭著的话茱莉亚的孩子“只要有足够的黄油,什么都可以。”A sentiment that rings especially true when it comes to焙烤食品。毕竟,在我们当中,谁能抗拒一块酥脆的油酥饼,或一块湿润、肥厚的蛋糕呢?然而,对于一个业余的烘焙师来说,在家里做一份酥脆的糕点或者湿润的蛋糕是一件非常困难的事情。烘焙是一门科学,需要精确的测量,鹰派的时间观,并遵循一个食谱的字母-这是在哪里食谱进来吧。
要发现哪些烘烤大部头,我们应该对我们的货架上,我们问了一些我们最喜欢的美食家,包括Tieghan杰拉德半熟的收获的阿德里安娜·阿达尔梅(Adrianna Adarme)一个舒适的厨房,来自贝克的皇家,以及更多——来衡量每个人都应该拥有的最好的烘焙食谱。天啊,他们成功了。从烘焙器设计师奥黛特·威廉姆斯(Odette Williams)到牛奶吧天才克里斯蒂娜·托西(Christina Tosi)的蛋糕混合物创意集合,他们的建议既适合业余爱好者,也适合经验丰富的烘焙师。
百福牛奶吧(Momofuku Milk Bar),克里斯蒂娜·托西(Christina Tosi)设计
“这是什么的一些最鼓舞人心和有趣的点心的高和低烘烤满足前来我的厨房了,”罗宾逊说。“It’s also a book with recipes that require planning before you jump in—many of the recipes are step intensive and require online sourcing for ingredients, but believe me when I say, the payoff is there. The end result is fun treats that are playful, nostalgic and always a home run."
“这是一本参考书每个人都应该有,”罗宾逊说。“It's simple to follow, detailed and informative in the way that’s not extraneous, so you won’t need to cherry pick for what you need. Of course, there are a ton of recipes for all the classics and if you read your way through this cookbook like you would a novel, you’ll learn how to make each classic your own and become a better baker."
“这是我一直以来最喜欢烘焙食谱之一,当我想要的东西,会变成精彩的,不能过于复杂,”弗斯说。“The recipes are the perfect combination of familiar, but with fresh flavors combinations. Think of sweets like peach ricotta scones, lemon semolina cakes and banana chocolate bread pudding with salted caramel. This is the kind of cookbook you’ll reach for often and never be disappointed. Definitely try the peach cardamom muffins—they are the perfect breakfast-brunch treat!"