


It's no secret that the job application process is a painful one. Between searching for open roles,更新你的简历, and sending your application into the virtual void, there are a lot of anxiety-inducing tasks to tackle. But写求职信也许是整个磨难中最困难的部分之一。

How exactly do you translate your interest in a role into a well-crafted, one-page document? This pressure is only compounded when you're writing acareer change求职信。现在,更准确的问题是,How do you demonstrate that you're qualified for a job when you don't necessarily have formal experience in the field?


为了使这一过程尽可能无痛,我们问Rose Keating职业教练多年的经验帮助人们的土地自己dream jobs,权衡在写求职信时,你正在做的职业选择。但是你落笔(这么说)之前,基廷敦促你的目标是笔转行求职信是注重质量而不是数量。因为是的,你需要为你写申请每一项工作一个定制的求职信。



“一个常见的错误的人is using a standard cover letter that speaks to general skillsets with the only customization being switching out the company name and title," says Keating. "Anyone who's been a recruiter can pick those out extremely easily and disqualify the candidate—because if you can't take the time to write a unique, role-specific cover letter, how interested can you be in the position?" she explains.


如果这一切听起来有点吓人,不应力here's everything you need to know about the career change cover letter, including two of the most common mistakes people make (and how to avoid them).

Colorful illustration of a piece of paper, coffee mug and yellow pencil
Original Graphic by Viviana Duron

Career Change Tips

Making a career move takes longer than you may think, so before you dive write into writing your cover letter, mentally prepare yourself for the career change process to take up to a year. "Most people assume a career change is just made quite quickly, but it's often a project that's six to nine months in the making," explains Keating.



Writing Tip: Focus On Your Transferable Skills

"When you are writing a cover letter for a career change, the most important thing you need to do is突出转移的技能你有,“基廷说。”那么,你想write aboutspecificallywhat you've done or achievedin the past that demonstrates you can do the specific role you are applying for," explains Keating. You'll want to select a few core skills from the job description and demonstrate your mastery of those skills with very specific examples, she elaborates.

To narrow in on a prospective role's most desirable skills you'll want to address in your cover letter, Keating says to analyze the job description by imagining you are the hiring manager for the role and asking yourself, "What are the top three to five things that you would need the candidate to have to consider them?" These three to five things can be a combination of formal qualifications (including degrees or certificates), hard skills, soft skills, technical skills, and specific experiences.“一旦你确定的那些三到五年的事情,那么你可以围绕展示你的求职信,你怎么会有这些核心技能或资格,”基廷说。


Original Graphic by Viviana Duron


A formal letter like a cover letter requires an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The cover letter should be concise and every sentence should illustrate your expertise, why you are a fit for the role, and why you are interested in the company. That said, how do you make the most of the limited space in your cover letter? Keating has you covered. While having a compelling opening is always attention-grabbing, the content of your second and third paragraphs can make all the difference too.





“第二段应该回答的问题为什么你?So you want to talk specifically, not generally, but specifically, about things that you have done in the past that relate to the role you are applying for," explains Keating. For example, writing 'I am very detail-oriented and have strong written and communication skills' is ultimately meaningless because anyone can write that statement, Keating explains. In other words, why are you the right fit for the role?



在我作为[插入位置]目前的角色,我有[插入转移的技能:即接口与行政人员,客户和供应商定期;管理团队的五增长由去年的X%新的和现有的帐户;救了我公司$ X美元,在去年实现的X过程。

据基廷,你的求职信的第三段应该回答的问题为什么呢?为什么这家公司?Give specific reasons for why you are interested in a company, and demonstrate that you understand what makes them different from their competitors.


I see that your company champions sustainability and invests in your people, whether that's by dedicating days for staff to volunteer for a cause they're passionate about, or providing leadership development opportunities to continue learning and growing within the company, which aligns with what I value as well.



