我们都听到了有关普通人的故事,他们有一天魔法将激情项目或副企业变成成功的多方面的企业。这些自制的家音将其兴趣变成了什么赚钱companies? While no definitive how-to guide exists, there’s definitely a set of skills and a certain mind-set that can lead to success. Eager to learn from some of the most successful business leaders around, we turned to seven entrepreneurs to share their wisdom.
Josh Zad’s idea for阿尔弗雷德咖啡, the stylish L.A.-based coffee company, came from what he saw as a lack in the community. “When I worked in real estate development, we had a hard time convincing more retailers to come to the area because it was missing a place of respite from shopping,” explains Zad. “Here was Melrose Place, a lovely tree-lined street with world-class retailers—but nowhere to grab a juice, some coffee, or a bite to eat.”
The Big Idea:“我没有在食品和饮料中进行正式培训(仍然不能煮咖啡!),所以我从客户的角度探讨了业务,”Zad解释道。“我看看氛围是什么,咖啡师如何迎接你,咖啡是多么美味,当然,整体经历多么令人难忘。”他补充说:“我们总是在创新。无论是通过在我的专利咖啡套上的酷炫,有趣的公司合作;设计每个新的酒吧布局以补充附近;或者,当然,打开游戏并打开一个tea room“
Work Wisdom:“走头,”扎德说。“我花了六个月的时间更长,开启第一个阿尔弗雷德,因为我被焦虑和犹豫不决瘫痪了。最后,您无法计划80%的问题。“
Ashley Ragovin applied her experience as a sommelier and restaurant general manager to openPour This,葡萄酒订阅服务和电子商店,巩固难以找到的,高质量葡萄酒。“我有这个'AHA!'时刻,因为大多数葡萄酒都没有于我在餐馆主持的客人无法使用,”她说。“我一直想达到更多的人,而不是单一的零售店左右。”
The Big Idea:“葡萄酒产业落后于如何对待其顾客以及其业务方针,”劳律说。“我认为人们迅速回应倾注这一点,因为他们觉得他们最终可以进入历史上非常守卫的东西。“
Sugar Paper, an L.A.-based stationer focusing on high-quality handmade stationery, “was a happy accident,” according to co-founders Chelsea Shukov and Jamie Grobecker. Growing up with mothers who taught them the value of a handwritten note, the duo started making stationery for friends. “Before we knew it, we had a business on our hands,” they say.
The Big Idea:“我们为自己的产品质量感到自豪,”他们解释说。“我们制作了旨在珍惜和挽救的文具。”
工作智慧:“Make sure you want the lifestyle owning a business requires,” say Shukov and Grobecker. “It’s an ongoing journey, and with success comes a lot of failure.”
Barrett Prendergast’s idea forValleybrink Road-A精品餐饮,礼品和花卉设计公司 - 在过渡时来。“我的丈夫和我总是有人过来,为朋友烹饪,并与我们周围的人分享我们对食物的热爱,”她说。“然后我开始了一个名为Valleybrink Road的食物博客,其余的是历史。”
The Big Idea:“我真的希望餐饮经验感觉像是一个好朋友已经过来烹饪你是美味的美食,”praindgast股份。
工作智慧:“Take whatever you’re interested in and make it your own,” Prendergast says. “Don’t just copy someone else’s idea. Make it unique to you.”
在开始之前,Kelsey Harper一直访问L.A.花卉市场花女孩洛杉矶。“I decided that this was the path for me because it didn’t necessarily feel like a job,” she says. “Aside from the physical labor and early mornings, of course.”
The Big Idea:“我想要一种简单的方法来将鲜花带到公众,”哈珀解释道。“我梦想着拥有一辆老式的移动花卉卡车,我可以随时随地停放,并从事卖给人们的鲜花。虽然我的业务开始发展,但我决定作为一个“工作室花店”对我来说是一个更好的路线。“
工作智慧:“There are a lot of distractions, but if you set aside a few hours each day where you strictly focus on your business, you can get a lot done in a little time,” she says.
Steve Schwartz成立了Art of Tea在他的起居室的舒适。他开始将他的一些混合物送到当地的L.A.餐馆,但他最初不确定他应该把他的激情项目变成全职的业务。“我写下了21个理由,为什么我应该开始一家公司并落地一个原因:我有一个孩子在途中,”施瓦茨说。
The Big Idea:“我一直都很感兴趣欧洲杯亚博投注赔率和治疗,以及混合的炼金术d combining unique herbs and botanicals,” he says. “Also, I wanted to find a way to help people on a broader scale, and tea was a way that I could do that.”
Alex Matthews remembers the exact moment the idea for his果汁酒吧came to be: “It was January 2012, and I was standing outside of a juice bar in Hollywood when it occurred to me that I could reimagine the look and feel of the juice experience to be more clean and sophisticated,” he says.
The Big Idea:“我与冷压汁的个人动机来自长期牛皮癣患者,”马修斯解释道。“这里服务的果汁专注于提供升高的健康经验。”
工作智慧:“Refine your message,” Matthews says. “Take something that exists and find another need that hasn’t been addressed.”