

珍珠厂的提示字符串 - 珍珠厂的串片浇水


珍珠植物,又名串珠,项链厂的字符串,它的植物名称,千里光rowleyanus,是最引人注目的多汁的一个在那里。这个耐旱植物gets its name from the appearance of its leaves, which look like little pearl-sized peas strung along thin stems.

With its trailing growth habit, string of pearls is a natural for hanging baskets and macrame hangers where its stems can grow long and丛林般的. The plant blooms with tiny white flowers, typically in the fall and winter. After blooming, the flowers leave behind seed heads attached to thin white fibers.

然而,senecios不限于珍珠的ORB叶弦。另有多种,香蕉串(千里光radicans), gets its name from the smile-shaped leaves that grow along its stems. Care is similar to string of pearls.

海豚的字符串(千里光peregrinus) is a cross between string of pearls plant and another succulent known as candle plant (千里光articulatus). Each leaf of this comparatively rare variety has a tiny “fin” poking out of each arc-shaped leaf, just like a dolphin leaping through the waves. Care for string of dolphins is also similar to string of pearls, but it may need a little more water than its relative and will lose its dolphin-like shape if fertilized.





If you plan to bring your string of pearls outdoors during the summer months, be sure to keep it inside until night temperatures are consistently above 70 degrees. In the winter, the plant can withstand night temperatures no lower than the 40-degree range.


Plant your string of pearls in a sandy, well-draining soil mix formulated for cacti or succulents. You can also make your own cactus mix by combining one part coarse sand with one part perlite and two parts standard potting soil.

Avoid using a self-watering pot or pot with a built-in saucer for this plant, as those types of containers can hold in too much water. A ceramic pot with drainage holes in the bottom or, better yet, a terra cotta container that allows moisture to evaporate from the sides of the pot, is ideal for your string of pearls. Plus, the orange clay color of the terra cotta really helps the strings of pale green leaves to pop.

During the growing season, allow your string of pearls to dry out a bit before watering again. Overwatering will cause your string of pearls to rot, so it’s better to err on the side of too little rather than too much water. In the fall and winter, when the plant goes dormant, water very sparingly—only when you see the pea-like leaves start to shrivel and wrinkle.

Fertilize your string of pearls every month during the growing season, using a houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength. While the plant is dormant, cut back to feedings only once every three months.

If your plant’s leaves become shriveled, that can be a sign of both underwatering and overwatering. If the soil feels moist and you’ve been watering frequently, cut back watering to no more than once every two weeks, and check to make sure that at least the top inch of soil has dried out before watering again.


成长的珍珠新的字符串可能不容易。所有您需要propagate this succulentare a healthy, mature mother plant, a four-inch plant pot, well-draining succulent soil or cactus mix, a set of garden shears or scissors, a pencil or chopstick, and floral pins (if you don’t have these, a bent paper clip or bobby pin can work, too).


Step 2: Set the cuttings aside on a plate or tray and allow the cut ends of the stems to heal and callus over for one to three days.

Step 3: When the cuttings are ready, remove the three or four leaves closest to the cut end of each stem.


Step 4: Plant one cutting in each hole, stripped stem end first. Make sure that the three or four leaf nodes at the end of the stem are beneath the soil. These are where the roots will emerge. Secure the stems in place with floral pins, if you like. This will help the cuttings stay in place.


Step 6: After four to six weeks, give the cuttings a gentle tug to see if they’ve rooted. If not, simply put them back in the soil and give them more time. A surefire sign that the cuttings have rooted is new growth growing from the stems. Once they’ve rooted, care for your new string of pearls as usual.
