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无论谁说园艺has to be an outdoor activity? If you live in an apartment or just have limited outdoor space, you can just as easily growherbs,蔬菜和各种方式houseplantsindoors—if you have the proper tools, that is!


Here, the best indoor planting tools to add to your arsenal.

Click & Grow Smart Garden 3 Indoor Herb Garden

Click and Grow Smart Garden 3

如果你完全是新的来园艺和/或只是想尽可能放手,那么点击&Grow Smart Garden 3基本上是一个梦想成真。这个小工具照顾您的所有硬件,为您的植物提供最佳的光,水和营养素,以便它们可以蓬勃发展和茁壮成长。所有你所要做的就是坐下来看着他们成长。

The Click & Grow system works with special plant pods, which are surprisingly similar to coffee K-cups. You can insert up to three pods into the base at once, and there are more than 50 plant varieties to choose from, including herbs, greens, fruits, veggies, flowers, and more.



思考高中生物学,你会记得植物用光来为自己生产食物。不幸的是,这意味着植物在低轻微的空间中不会屈服于良好的空间 - 但这并不意味着你必须放弃园艺的梦想!现代萌芽智能种植站是太阳剥夺空间的完美解决方案,因为它提供了全频谱LED灯,使您的植物保持健康和快乐。

The Growbar is designed to be mounted underneath a cabinet or shelf, and it's made for vegetative, fruiting, and flowering plants. It has a manual power switch, but you can also pair it with the Modern Sprout App for customizable programming and specific lighting recommendations for your plant babies.



Sure, you could use a measuring cup or leftover bottle to water your plants, but this watering can is so much cuter to keep around the house. Made from powder-coated steel with a beech wood handle, it's a cute and compact option that can hold more than enough water for multiple plants. Plus, it has a wide opening for easy filling, as well as a precise spout to prevent spills.

Hogg Barn Antiques Farmhouse Garden Scissors

Farmhouse Garden Scissors


奇迹 - Gro水可溶所有植物食品,8盎司。

奇迹 -  GRO植物食品


This particular type of Miracle-Gro is all purpose, meaning you can use it on houseplants, trees, vegetables, flowers, and pretty much any other plant you have. You simply dissolve it in water and tend to your plants as usual, feeding them every one or two weeks during their growing season (typically the spring and summer).


GrowLED Planter Set

不要忘记一些可爱的种植者!如果您正在计划生长草药,多肉植物或小花,请考虑在亚马逊上发现的这套四个种植园。每个锅只有3.8英寸,包括排水孔,以获得最佳护理,因此您可以从罗勒和薄荷到迷迭香和薰衣草的一切都能轻松地发展。将它们放在窗台或厨房柜台上,并观察它们长大 - 或者如果您想要一些帮助,请考虑购买入门套件

Sophie Conran Potting Scoop

Sophie Conran Potting Scoop

园艺的一半是肮脏的肮脏,但你仍然需要像索菲康兰盆栽勺子这样的产品。它会使您的植物更容易灌装和延迟植物!这款漂亮的工具轻巧,完美平衡,其不锈钢勺深,高侧面,防止土壤溢出。符合人体工程学的手柄由固体山毛榉木制成,具有天然的蜡饰,看起来时尚时尚。 Copper Plated Mister


某些植物(特别是热带的)在高湿度下茁壮成长,所以在干燥的季节,你想要抓住一个plant misterto help out your green friends. This stunning mister is a great option thanks to its compact size, copper design, and budget price. It's guaranteed to help your humidity-loving plants feel more at home—in particular, I find it to be useful when caring for orchids, which can be a bit finicky.

Lettuce Grow Farmstand

Lettuce Grow Farmstand

去吧,整个花园在你的apar生长tment! The Lettuce Grow Farmstand is a one-of-a-kind tool that allows you to grow up to 36 plants at a time, and it takes up just 4 square feet of space in your home. It's both self-watering and self-fertilizing, and (you guessed it) requires minimal soil, making it a neater option for those in small homes.

The Farmstand can be customized to suit your needs, allowing you to grow anywhere from 12 to 36 plants at a time, and if your home has mediocre lighting you can even add on the company’s Glow Rings to provide your seedlings with adequate light. Lettuce Grow offers vegetable, herb, and greens plants to get you started, and the whole system is designed to be beginner-friendly, so no gardening experience is necessary.



Do you frequently forget to water your plants? If so, the Muurla Watering Bulb Set will help your greenery maintain an appropriate moisture level without you having to lift a finger. The watering bulb comes in two sizes, and it features a narrow stem that can be inserted into the soil of your plant. Gravity will take over from there, releasing water into the dirt as needed. Not only is it helpful for reformed brown thumbs, but it’s also an ideal solution for when you go on vacation and can’t get a plant-sitter.


Compact Tidy Tray


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