那么,如何让你的入口通道成为一个快乐、健康的空间,给你带来良好的能量,而不是让你感到压抑呢?我们采访了Heather Askinosie,她是整体治疗师,风水和水晶专家,也是the能源缪斯,让你的入口通道更适合风水。准备好给你的空间专业消除紧张情绪的积极氛围吗?这是你需要的风水入口布局。
“我建议扔掉死去的植物,”阿斯金诺西说。死去的植物代表死亡,削弱你房子里的能量。她还警告说,要注意你邀请的植物种类。她说:“用尖尖的叶子代替圆叶子的植物,因为尖尖的叶子被认为对能量没有吸引力。”Depending on the amount of space and sunlight you have in your space, consider a Jade plant, Chinese money plant, rubber plant, or fiddle leaf fig tree. They are all round-leafed plants that are relatively low-maintenance.
“我经常看到的一个错误是,人们把镜子挂在门口,”阿斯金诺西说。“你不想让镜子对着门,因为当气进入你的家时,它会从镜子上弹开,然后又回到外面。”Instead, place a mirror on a wall perpendicular to your door, over a console, for example. This will also provide a station to drop off your keys and mail, while allowing you to give yourself a quick check before heading out the door.
Askinosie建议:“如果你的前门卡住了,或者不容易打开或关闭,一定要把它修好。”“从精力充沛的角度来看,有关这扇门的问题被认为会让你更难获得新的机会。”所以要确保你的门是崭新的,没有裂缝、划痕或碎片。”Give your door a quick check: Does it close and open easily? Is the lock tricky? Does it need a paint job? This is an easy project to tackle on a weekend that can completely alter your mood when you walk in and out the door.