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寻找一个新活动ordate night idea捡起?考虑国际象棋。游戏对策略爱好者来说是一个古老的最爱,而近年来它也是一个设计必须拥有的设计。丰富的现代设计师已经重新称达了经典的国际象棋套装,留下了笨重,老式游戏的时尚和时尚的套装,基本上是艺术的。

如今,您将找到在彩色丙烯酸类中呈现的图形国际象棋套,简约的国际象棋套装,柔和的调色板和简单的形式 - 以及之间的一切。毕竟,为什么要购买一套很有趣的乐趣,当你能买一个有趣的玩耍时andpretty enough to display



Marble Chess Game


Umbra Shift Wobble国际象棋套装

Umbra Wobble Chess Set

寻找一个classic chess game with above-average flair? The Umbra Wobble Chess Set has you covered. On the surface, this chess set is pretty traditional. All the pieces boast classic, recognizable silhouettes—and of course, the board has that iconic checked pattern. But the squares are actually rounded, as are the bases of all the pieces. These curves result in a chess game that moves dynamically and looks stunning enough to show off.

Urban Outfitters Acrylic Chess Game

Urban Outfitters Acrylic Chess Game




对于那些想知道的人来说,男人雷希赛棋套件并不简单启发by visual artist Man Ray—it was actually designed by the Surrealist himself. So it doesn’t just double as decor, but it also doubles as a full-blown work of art. As expected, each piece in this chess set is sleek, pretty, and a little bit whimsical. Rooks have become cubes, knights have become swirls, and pawns have become spheres. Every piece is rendered in beech wood, and the matching game board is crafted from beech, as well. It's expensive, but worth it for hardcore design lovers.



当大多数人打扮一套棋子时,他们会驯服碎片。但Etsy Shop Ollala完全重新称达了游戏板。代替经典的棋盘,您会发现由正方形,三角形和星星组成的华丽马赛克。这个马赛克在一个柔和的调色板中呈现,因此不会分散你的游戏。相反,它会给你一个令人惊叹的背景,让你的棋子遍历。如果你厌倦了国际象棋,你可以翻转木板并玩一点步步高。



In the NYC Skyline Chess Set, every classic chess piece has been replaced by an iconic piece of architecture. Your king is the Freedom Tower, your queen is the Empire State Building, your bishop is the Chrysler Building, your knight is the Flatiron Building, and your rook is the Guggenheim. (Your pawns are classic New York townhouses, which are iconic in their own right.) All of these pieces are acrylic, and they sit atop a smooth, classic game board.

MOMA 2-IN-1国际象棋和跳棋套餐

2-in-1 Chess & Checkers Set


Jonathan Adler亚克力国际象棋套装

Jonathan Adler Chess Set

Jonathan Adler的迷人国际象棋套装适用于两个极简主义者andmaximalists. It's available in neon for the people who want something totally unique and contemporary, as well as a more traditional black and brown color scheme for those who want something classic yet very cool. The chunky pieces stand out on their own, but it's the oversized acrylic board that'll catch your attention. Give this game a place of honor in your living room—it's that good.

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